Second New Tokenomy 2.65 Billion MXX Burn Complete

Nov 30, 2020


2nd of 3 New Tokenomy Burns

New MXX and bMXX Tokenomics

To burn approximately 5.5 Billion MXX Tokens and achieve a desired supply of 3.2 Billion MXX.

  • A total of 2.05 Billion MXX (Foundation) will be burned on 23 November 2020 — Burn Completed
  • A total of 2.65 Billion MXX (Reserves) has been burned on 30 November 2020
  • A total of 0.87 Billion MXX (SSB allocations) will be burned on 07 December 2020

2.65 Billion MXX have been burned from the Reserves allocation.

For more details please refer to the previous medium post here.




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