Multiplier Renounces MCL Admin Key to Multi-Sig Owners
Feb 26, 2021
Multiplier officially renounces MCL admin key to 4/7 Multi-Sig Owners.
This is an additional security feature on top of an already extensive list of security measures, including a bug bounty program, CertiKShield coverage and CertiK audit.
4 out of 7 co-signatories are required to approve the future minting/burning of bMXX tokens and the management of the MCL protocol.
Multi-Sig Address: 0x54acC17b1Ed282CDDC6fb747D6Ae6825B7601f41
The 7 bMXX Multi-Sig Key Holders are:
- Kim- Multiplier CEO
- Yewnan- Multiplier CTO
- yprivacymatter- AutoFarm Network
- Spitting Nickels- Beefy.Finance
- Kobe- StableXSwap
- Ogle- BSC Gemz Telegram Group
- Finball- Multiplier Community Leader